The Canton Opera Art Museum

It is hard for to me to tell the difference between Peking Opera and Canton Opera. They both sport fabulous makeup and costumes–and as I have no clue what’s actually going on during the opera, my impression is that the two have more features in common than not.

We spent a sunny Saturday in November wandering around the Canton Opera Museum grounds with our new friend Wendy and her family. Both Wendy and her husband are admininstrators at the University. Their daughter Joy is 1 year younger than our youngest. Our three girls enjoyed each other’s company tremendously!

Before the museum, our hosts treated us to our first Cantonese Morning Tea. Morning Tea is meant to be lingered over. Guests are intended to eat slowly and with intention, and to enjoy the company and conversation over steaming cups of tea and beautiful ornate food. And what variety! Every thing was tasty. It was nice to have a guide to help us identify and name our favorite Dim Sum!What a treat!

We had a lovely time. Here are photos from the day: