What about the kids?

Wondering what the kids are up to during quarantine?

1. Reading Books: The Complete Sherlock Holmes; The Sherlock Holmes Mysteries; Brown Girl Dreaming; The Kestrel and on Kindle: The Prince Warriors

And then the three ladies in the family are reading a daily devotional together called Seeking God’s Face written by Eugene Peterson.

2. Playing games: Minecraft; building with SCRATCH; *and Brian is actually building a game which is cool*; putting together jigsaw puzzles; and Sherlock Block mind-bending game puzzle. You’re probably noticing a Sherlock Holmes theme. He’s all the rage in our house at the moment. The game and large volume are borrowed from another homeschool family on campus.

3. Crochet: coin purses and mini-dolls

4. Painting

5. Origami

6. ASL…actually the girls are on level 2 of American Sign Language Learning now. They have a new class starting midweek which they are excited about. Their teacher is a deaf person and she advertises this as part of the class. She lives in New York and is an excellent teacher!

7. School. And then of course school everyday.

8. Occasionally too they’ll help out with making dinner or lunch. Here’s a photo from yesterday’s brunch. Beautiful beets! 😍