Category: Adventures

Travel Story pt 3

InCOVID: All things New Work life The onboarding and learning how systems work has been challenging. Everything is new and most of the time in a different language. Having to translate makes for an even more challenging time of learning. I imagine international students and faculty feel overwhelmed by English in America for the same

Travel Story pt 2

Immigration 1 Directly following the uploading of the app we stopped at another immigration station where we were questioned again about symptoms and whether we were traveling together. The official examined our passports and K’s visa grant notice. He promptly noted that we must be separated in order to quarantine because only K had obtained

Travel Story pt 1

Traveling during 2020 required LOTS of prayers. We are so grateful for the committed individuals who 1. knew we were taking a trip fraught with challenges and 2. who prayed for our health, safety and endurance! God bless you! These next few posts contain the travel story–just a recounting of some of our experiences.  

Protected: The inexpressible quality of Joy

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Like grace for 麻烦

Inevitably, one picks up vocabulary. This word: 麻烦 is said m-ah-f-ah-n. We write it mafan for romanization purposes. Mafan means trouble as in unnecessary difficulty or extra complication. And I don’t know any words in English that quite match what I mean when I say mafan.  So mafan will have to do. For so many reasons, last

To stay; to go

For all my traveling, I have only once or twice talked about coping with the continuous shifting that comes with Being a Self in multiple cultural contexts. I’m surprised at how un-curious people are about this. Not as surprised as I used to be though. These days it is easier to take things in stride

Protected: Missing

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The element of Surprise

Is surprise about timing? Periodically surprise happens. But the element one is surprised about cannot be something expected. And if hope is expectancy then how do hopeful people get surprised? Recently someone discussed this idea with me: That Western Christian Evangelicals ought to be surprised by the Incarnation, but usually aren’t. So I asked her

Feline friend

My daughter got a new cat. She has wanted a cat for a very long time. No, she has longed for a cat. She has yearned for a cat. But she is also wise. She is not a demanding person and she is quiet, patient and thoughtful. She is the kind of person who considers

Protected: The face of Danger

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