Month: February 2021

Entry #1 during COVID

We landed and passed through immigration. At every turn there have been problems but most officials are competent and helpful as we work to complete each process. Tensions run high for Healthcare workers these days. Healthcare workers are tired in both the USA and SKorea and having to meet regulations, maintain standards, work long hours

To sleep …😴

The hubs and I read aloud to each other sometimes. He reads to me and I love his voice so much that I fall asleep during his reading. I even fall asleep sometimes when he prays. This has been happening for about 13 years. I used to worry that he’d be frustrated at me for

This is the day

February 1 is a Monday this year which makes this day a starting point for the work week among other things. Today is the start of Black History Month in the states. Each year I do something different. This year I plan to read a prayer each day from a compilation edited by Dr. JAMES

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